The Musicians Club of New York is planning its first concert in over two years - on Sunday, April 24, 2022, 3:30 PM at Victor Borge Hall, Scandinavia House, New York City. It will be our "Dear Composers" concert presenting five recently deceased composers presented by their family members.
As in the past, this concert will be free and open to the public. Concerts are paid for by tax-deductible contributions from our donor members and dues from our musician members. The Musicians Club of New York is a nonprofit organization that promotes high-level music through concerts, competitions and special events. Its Members and Donors contribute tax-deductible dues according to their means, in support of these activities. Additional funding is collected from the Club's Benefit Gala in the spring, and through generous donations large and small from individuals, foundations and corporations. If you value excellent music's contribution to the world, we hope you will appreciate and consider supporting the Musicians Club of New York.
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